Privacy policy

General information

JSC (Joint-Stock Company - further JSC) Gopestetika respects the privacy of its website visitors, therefore, we guarantee that the information collected on the website is used and kept safe. JSC Gopestetika protects the privacy of its customers, so this report clearly and openly provides the principles of collecting and using information about visitors of website

This privacy ("cookie") policy and data protection apply when you visit the website

Collected information website, as well as JSC Gopestetika, process customer data in accordance with 2016. April 27 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (the Universal Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the "BDAR") and the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania the Law and the Law on Electronic Communications of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating data protection.

The information gathered on the website remains with us. All information gathered on the website is managed in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and BDAR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements. If you want to cancel your account in e-shop, please contact us:

Using cookies

In order for this site to function properly, it stores small data files called "cookies" on your device. The same is done by most websites. A cookie is a small text file that the site saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. Because of this, your website may for a while "remember" your actions and options (such as language and other display options), and you do not need to re-enter / select them each time you visit or browse on various pages of it. The purpose of the cookie used by the website is to make it easy to use our site, its functionality and efficiency. Cookies do not give us any access to your computer and can not read any information on your hard disk.

Confirmation of cookies

By opening website and clicking on the "I accept" button in the popup box, you agree to save cookies on your computer, phone or tablet in the manner described in your browser. The use of different types of cookies is described in this policy. If you do not want that the cookies that are linked to our website be saved on your computer, phone, or tablet, you can block or clean them any time by using the browser's settings. We inform you that without cookies you will not be able to use many of our website's benefits to improve the site's functionality. Moreover, without cookies some features of the website may not function properly. By using this website, the visitor agrees with the cookies policy and cookies we use.

Which cookies do we use?

Internal cookies:

The PHPSESSID cookie (required) is used to remember your browsing session. When you turn off this cookie, some of the features on website may not work.

lang cookie (unnecessary) is used to remember the language of your choice.

Statistical cookies:

Google Analytics (optional) cookies are used to track website traffic.

Advertising cookies:

FB pixel (optional) cookies are used for facebook marketing, and for setting up your profile.

For example, website using cookies. The network is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (Facebook).

When you using website and you want to call specific pages, you are connected to the Facebook servers. If you are currently registered as a Facebook member, Facebook assigns this information (about your browsing) to your personal Facebook user account. By using cookies functions (for example: by clicking the "Like" button when submitting a comment), these data are also assigned to your Facebook account. If you do not want that Facebook collect data about you through the website, you must log out of the Facebook system before visiting our website.

The JSC Gopestetika does not affect the amount of data collected by Facebook cookies. For more information about the data collected and used by Facebook, about your rights, your privacy protections, you can find them in Facebook privacy notices.

How to control cookies

If you wish, you can control and / or delete cookies. More information is available at You can delete all cookies already on your computer and set most browsers to prevent cookies from being stored on your device. However, in this case, you may need to manually change some of the options each time you visit the website, and some services and features may not work.

Privacy policy changes

JSC Gopestetika has the right to change this privacy policy. Further use of our website services means compliance with these rules. All disagreements and disputes are resolved by negotiation. Failing to reach an agreement, disputes are resolved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

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